Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sims 2

Well as u can see from the title above i am officially addicted to Sims 2 well not that much lar ok i still have to study and all. Didn't really get to bully the juniors that much during the orientation... well exams what to do ler? Anyway it was also another boring Sunday with nothing to do except well it's 31st and Baskin Robins was having the 31% promotion so we went to USJ to buy the ice cream but there was so damn many ppl there we took number 30 and they were only serving like number 18. I peered into the ice cream containers most of the chocolate flavours were like all gone... GOSH So we left and went to Subang Parade which was not as bad as USJ but like there weren't many flavours there. So i just had to settle for world class chocolate and peanut butter chocolate which is what we normally have... hehe. Later... well its just another boring Sunday........... zzzzzzz

Dinner and..... Shopping

Went for dinner at TGIF on Friday nite at The Curve. It was va nice atmosphere a bit too noisy for my liking if u ask me. There were like two huge crowd of ppl making so much of noise. Anyway at first we couldn't get any seats in the non-smoking section even had to sit at the high table haha it looked so weird and anyway the table is so small. Later the waitress managed to get us a table inside. Well the food there was not bad and the service was quite good. Will consider going there again :). Later we went shopping well actually it wasn't much cause it was already 9.30p.m. well as u can guess all the shops are well.... closed. Managed to look at some winter clothes to decide what to bring to scotland later but its the same shop as the one in basically all i saw was the same old things. Didn't manage to buy anything. Wanted to go ikea but it was already closing.. how unlucky. Anyway just managed to shop for a little while at TESCO shopping for grocrries and all. Actually ver boring. Went back home and watch TV until 1 haha. Felt quite bad that i didn't study anything that day......but oh well tomorrow is another DAY!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

CVS Intepretation Exam....... Finally my nightmare is over

After countless sleepless nights finally my CVS intepretation is OVER yes OVER haha. Gosh i really am sooo happy rite now. Yay now i can go shopping since well i haven't really shop that much last week since i was so worried about the exam. And also YY ask me whether i want to go ipoh to see FY or not Frankly speaking i'm not so sure myself in a few weeks time i have the dispensing test and i still haven't done the stupid essay for HEP and PP1. Procrastination!!! NVM i'll just go enjoy myself today and make sure i'll glue myself to the chair and comp for the next few days haha.I'm having dinner tonite to celebrate my bratty sister's b'day which was on monday!!. HAHA can't wait and then can go shopping yay. Aywayz will update u more about that later. CIAO for now......

Intro first

U think i'll actually start this blog w/out introducing myself? hehe. But then again for those whu already noe me.... esp those in taylor's and IMU well that's not really much to introduce rite...? Okie currently i'm studying at IMU doing pharmacy for those whu is seriously blur.. and i have to say it is not quite what i expected it to be but oh well after spending like almost 2 years here i can say i've already gotten used to the place although i dun fancy the campus very much and the food ugh...( those of u in IMU u noe wat i'm toking about ). And seriously the orientation was like the WORSE thing esp the part where we had to like stay back until 11 sumthing almost 12 OMG after that I think i went back home and penGsan d. Anyway boy am i glad its over. I heard the medics one is like 10X worse haha ( 4 those of u coming to IMU be warned hehe). I absolutely adore reading storybooks not my module notes k especially Shopie Kinsella, Jeffry Archer and .... errr i dun remember his name d but he wrote 'A Time to kill' realli nice book u ought to check it out. And i'm also currently addicted to PS2 Need for speed Underground 2 thanks to my bf and Initial D . This is really bad for me right now and i dun even have a PS2 at home.