Sunday, August 06, 2006

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and the Transport Museum

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

3 weeks in Scotland......

Well i've been in scotland for about 3 weeks already i think and suprisingly im actually begining to adapt to it.... seriously feeling very homeseick the past few weeks but i guess im okay now already. The timetable here is horrible i think even horrible can used to describe it we have lectures every alternante days from 9-5 sometimes with the same lecture lecturing the same subject *geez* a lot of them switched off their brains and their ears very early.... and its quite fun to be able to test out my cooking skills though rosalind helped me with the dinner that night * thanks girl* What i really wanna say is that i really miss the food back home u noe every morning i have cereal and milk for breakfast and lunch is usually bread coz we basically don't have any time to prepare anything and walking back to the flat is juz too troublesome. I's so SICK of those i really don't want to eat any bread when i get home 'bread free period ' haha. And oh i went shopping that day coz they were having their summer sales and it was very cheap i bought a bag from Dorothy Perkin's and it only cost me £2.70 ( so cheap) in malaysia cannot buy ....and there was alos loads of people in Zara and MNG but i couldn't find anything that i fancy and that was reasonable so i ende up with nothing... Anyway i guess i'll have to wind it up now class is going to start soon another 4 hours of PURE TORCHE and trying to stay awake and alert to understnad what Dr. AM is saying *geez*.....................

Monday, April 17, 2006

Bukit tinggi......

Geez lucky me i recovered juz in time to make it to bukit tinggi. Woke up so early in the morning at about 6 sumthing haha when my sis usually wakes up. Went for b'fast at the famous pan mee stall in ss19 ( seriously by 10 o'clock u have to take a number and wait 4 about an hour b4 u can actually get ur food). The journey there was soooooooooooooooooooo long 2gether with the jam and all wow really got to his nerves. It took us an hour plus to get there and it wasn't even that cold either how to train 4 scotland?? We had to pay RM16 to go to the botanical garden, japanese teahouse, colmar tropical and the RABBIT FARM (my fav). Well the place was seriously desserted except 4 a few tourist and students frm CHINA i mean it's a monday a working day whu woyuld b crazy enuf to go during that time. I tot i would have enjoyed myself more in genting but nonetheless it is still fun. Went to the rabbit park at about 12 and i didn't noe i had so many rabbit fans haha they were all so curious timid little creatures sooooooo cuteeee.... when we got to the foothill we had a really filling lunch at kg. bkt. tinggi we had 4 dishes and it only cost us RM23.00 seriously how can u find so cheap food here?? and it was nice 2 :). I'll leave u with these pictures to look at.....i better get ready or my lunch date with shirline and yy haha :)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

I feel.....miserable

I dunno y i decided to update my blog so often must b the boredom kicking in :)okie here's the deal i woke up yesterday and i was fine and so i went to the PC fair with my father at KLCC. Mum refused 2 go she said it was boring and the crazy kitty was stuck with her stupid Marieb book as usuall (if i found her 4 1 day w/out the book something is seriously wrong with her hehe) anyway we went there by LRT coz he refused to drive there. When i got there i was fine then suddenly i felt tired and my legs were hurting though i was only walking like for less than an hour. The place was really crowded and i seriously was not feeling to well. I met up with my dear dear we went back to his place coz i didn't wanna follow my dad in the LRT coz i seriously was aching all over and i didn't want to walk anymore. I felt really miserable yesterday and warm geez when i had so many thing to be done i had 2 fall sick anyway after taking the panadol i tot i was fine. I was fine this morning as a matter of fact until it started raing and it got really cold and i was feeling cold geez i HAVE to go to Bkt. Tinggi 2molo u noe can't miss it 4 the world. SEriously i hope i'll feel bette 2molo coz i really wanna go. AND I HATE FALLING SICK WHEN I"M NOT SUPP @ B SICK IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Exam results and more .....

Okie i noe my blog has been wat ww calls a dead blog haha but cannot blame me ler...really no time to write in here and btw i also dunno wat to write.Ummm... after getting my results it feels like a big load has been lifted off my shoulder literally haha and strathclyde here i come 2... cannot wait ler to go there even though i noe i'll miss everything here at home *sob sob* even if it's oni 4 1 year. And my luggage is so stuffed and i haven't even packed a lot of thing innit yet.. i wonder how heavy it is haha :) I really dunno how ww manages 2 write so much actually i have a lot of things 2 say, now i'm taking crap. OKie now that the s'ban transport has been settled i'm not so worried bout it anymore. And watching the dance competition that day was fantastic thanks christine :) eventhough i was half working lar hehe..and now i'm being torched at home by boredom and my sister's constant quizzing on anatomy and physiology *sigh* really boring .....and that daughter of her's ( THE FURY WHITE LITTLE ONE) is bcoming really nauty by the day and the second cannot wait till tomolo can go shopping ......yay!!! my fav at least i dun have 2 rot at home. I still have tons of things that i haven't bought yet and so many things that i haven't do. Hope i dun resort to last minute stuff again....
Ohh... and i cannot wait 4 graduation day haha :)

Monday, August 08, 2005

Ipoh Trip

Ok i was excited about the trip to ipoh which we were suppose to go on friday. After like my last lecture Ms. Chung Wen Wei had to see her tutor so i had to wait for her. I remembered she told me that she wouldn't take more than 15 minutes... shouldn't have taken her word for granted. Well u all can guess what happened lar Ms. Chung Wen Wei took almost 1 hour in there.... ( according to her Dr. Er couldn't stop discussing about a lot of stuff ).... Okie anyway i waited for so long there i was really ANGRY ... TY kept calling me up i was so agitated and she didn't seem to be coming out at all. Finally she came out at about 12.25 p.m. i feel like strangling her already. I managed to reach the KTM in time but stupid me in the rush i forgot to bring like the bus ticket so i had to go like all the way home to get the stupid ticket. Luckily we managed to get the train in time. At the KL Sentral stop the stupid train suddenly break down and then we had to switch trains and then even that the train took so long time to move. By the time we reached PUDU i was exhausted and we were like the LAST ONE to get up the bus. Nothing really interesting happened in the bus most of the time we were like sleeping. It took us 2 and a half hours to get to ipoh. Ann Gie phoned FY up but as usual she never bring her phone along with her to work so we had to like called up FY house. Her mother answered and told us that her father would pick us up. We waited like for a very long time until shirl stood up and saw what looked like FY father's car but with a woman which wasn't at all familiar to us. But nonetheless it was her father. Once we reached her house her parents started asking us whether we were hungry or not ...... nice hospitality. To FY: Ur parents are really nice and ur grandmother as well. Very tired d think i'll continue in the next post

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sims 2

Well as u can see from the title above i am officially addicted to Sims 2 well not that much lar ok i still have to study and all. Didn't really get to bully the juniors that much during the orientation... well exams what to do ler? Anyway it was also another boring Sunday with nothing to do except well it's 31st and Baskin Robins was having the 31% promotion so we went to USJ to buy the ice cream but there was so damn many ppl there we took number 30 and they were only serving like number 18. I peered into the ice cream containers most of the chocolate flavours were like all gone... GOSH So we left and went to Subang Parade which was not as bad as USJ but like there weren't many flavours there. So i just had to settle for world class chocolate and peanut butter chocolate which is what we normally have... hehe. Later... well its just another boring Sunday........... zzzzzzz

Dinner and..... Shopping

Went for dinner at TGIF on Friday nite at The Curve. It was va nice atmosphere a bit too noisy for my liking if u ask me. There were like two huge crowd of ppl making so much of noise. Anyway at first we couldn't get any seats in the non-smoking section even had to sit at the high table haha it looked so weird and anyway the table is so small. Later the waitress managed to get us a table inside. Well the food there was not bad and the service was quite good. Will consider going there again :). Later we went shopping well actually it wasn't much cause it was already 9.30p.m. well as u can guess all the shops are well.... closed. Managed to look at some winter clothes to decide what to bring to scotland later but its the same shop as the one in basically all i saw was the same old things. Didn't manage to buy anything. Wanted to go ikea but it was already closing.. how unlucky. Anyway just managed to shop for a little while at TESCO shopping for grocrries and all. Actually ver boring. Went back home and watch TV until 1 haha. Felt quite bad that i didn't study anything that day......but oh well tomorrow is another DAY!!!